
for nothing
I think it's the end. It's over. It has been 3 years and 10 months and I finally feel as if it's time to stop hoping. 

Your website is not on my top sites anymore. But then it doesn't mean that I'm gonna stop supporting. I still hope to become an aeronautical engineer, not because of you but because of myself. However, if I don't become one, I'll still be cool about it because that's what I am, cool. 

I kept getting mad at all them fangirls who kept throwing themselves at you without knowing that you have a girlfriend. Making me, as a female, feel embarrassed and humiliated. And I've always declared myself as your #1 fan making myself become one of them. And it makes me feel pathetic. This post is making me feel pathetic but I'd like to have a commemoration for finally ending the 3 years and 10 months crush I had on you; the 'buddy' who doesn't even know that I exist. 

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Man, this is hard. And apparently, some things are impossible.


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