
Today's adventure started with my difficulty of choosing whether to take either Electrical Engineering or Petroleum Engineering. So yesterday, Papa asked me to watch documentaries on Engineering and then he was like "Fuzah, pergi Petrosains to see if you want to take Petroleum Engineering." And that was exactly what I did. Asked Susu and Iman if they wanted to go but Susu's been. So Iman decided to invite Amar, I didn't want to feel left out so I told Dzaf and then we invited Marina and it became this one little trip. 

I didn't sleep after Subuh to get ready and at around 8:45 (blame the late people) we were on our way to KLCC. I was happy enough that I didn't need to drive. Hung in front of Petrosains 15 minutes before the opening time and then went in. We were all a little bit excited. Being the first there, there were all these volunteers chatting to us and guiding us around so it was well fun! 

Best bit of the whole trip has got to be at the dinosaur place though. Hehe.
Iman, do you know what this means? No... tanya lah the guy there. Can you call him for me. (called the guy) What does this mean? I dont know. But how can you not know? I'm only a volunteer. But shouldn't you know? (awkward laugh) OH OH! I get it now. Should've read it from the beginning. -.-' 
And so this guy started following us around. At one point Iman was mentioning about how I have to read all about those stuff when I'm studying and this guy overheard. He then asked me if I wanted to take engineering and so I said that I did. So the guy was like where? And I told him that I have a UTP interview on Monday and so he told me how the interview is really easy so I should just chill out and all. He then walked around the exhibition explaining everything to us and telling me random things that I would probably learn if I study PE. And he would ask me some random questions about Petroleum and all and the fact that I was able to answer them surprised me. It was probably because of the documentaries I watched yesterday. I considered asking the guy to just be our tour guide for our day in Petrosains but that wouldn't be nice. 

We then went to the next area and they had a Maths show. Having only 5 of us there, I obviously just decided to chill and speak out whatever I wanted to say. I mean, my friends know how I am and so I didn't care. I participated a lot... I think. But then the guy kept saying that he doesn't understand me. (makes a face) Brought back home a 3D dinosaur kit for Muaz though. It's something. We then basically went around stopping at random places. Played some games at the kids place. A child at heart, I am. We went into the simulator... twice. The screen didn't work the first time so yeah. Iman belanjaed us it too!

At the Oil Rig, I basically went around reading and listening, having my main intention of going to Petrosains in my head. I guess I spent too long there that the other kids left me. Tsk. Sat at the place where the oil rig workers would sleep at, to watch a guy talking about his life there (on the telly). Went out and the fun those kids were having, I couldn't even explain. 

I skipped all the games because the other reason why I wanted to go to Petrosains was to race. So I was in the middle of a race and then this kid came and switched off the main switch. WTH. Got well mad and complained and this guy came so that I could play it again but I wasn't able to play it. I wanted to idk, whack the kid or something.  Letting it go, I went down the slide twice with Amar taking a picture at the bottom of the slide. Problematic. Went back to play and those kids were there. They were well short and they couldn't reach the pedal and I told them that they had to be a certain height but they didn't understand. This woman came to tell them to get out after that. Problematic kids. 

We continued to the next part and played again. Petrosains staffs/volunteers are really friendly. I'd visit everyday if I could. I mean it's not even expensive. The parking is... however. We then went to the other exhibition they had Sultan something something which was pretty cool. Rushed through it though because the guys had to pray and we had to too. 

Had sushi king for lunch and there was this one woman who took our orders and dayyum was she rude. I asked her whether she can take our order after she's done cleaning, NICELY. And she was all looking at me with this look saying "I'm busy", I was nice enough to ask her to take our order after she was done cleaning but she had to look at me like that. Jeling-ing at me and all. I ordered something and it didn't come so I was asking her where it was and she was saying how I didn't even order it but I told her I did and there she was staring at me. WTH, it was her problem innit, go tell the kitchen to get it for me then. Seriously man. And then she's like bloody lembab I can't even stand. I don't even know why I didn't complain. *sigh*

I wish to have more exciting days. Will next Monday and Thursday be interesting? Hur hur. 

I'll be talking about Sasaeng Fans after this post. Like why aren't all of them mental kfans in jail yet? Couldn't be bothered to talk about them mental people tbh. So lets skip that.


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