2022/Early 2023 Catch Up

I'm back! ...after realising that I haven't blogged about my Sweden trip or my Norway trip. If anything, I am quite disappointed in myself. Self loathe aside, I've managed to skip the worst of winter by being in Malaysia and now I've been back in the UK for three weeks - and I'm still trying to get back into living my best life. Can't really do that yet because I was jet lagged all of last week and have been ill most of this week. A quick summary - 


Spent most of my time with Jess and her family and I loved how welcoming they all were. Made me feel like home... made me want to grow up as a Swede. If I could, I'd like to go back to the moment where we had dinner, talked and sang all night at Jess' parents house. I need to go again soon. I went in the summer so I had a day trip at the beach. It was beautiful, the water was cold but the sun was out. I was in the water when I felt a bit warm and when it got cold, I laid in the sun. Life could not have been better.


Norway was perfect - had one of those, if I were to die at this moment, I would've been happy to. I have been gatekeeping Norway quite a bit because it's so precious. I've decided to continue gate keeping it but we saw the northern lights. Sorry guys. I learnt a lot about my best friend during the trip, and I'm sure she learnt a lot about me as well. I'm excited for all the future trips we have planned together!


I was in Malaysia for a few reasons which included my brother's wedding, my best friend's wedding, my sister giving birth and to vote. I am so thankful all of that was planned for the end of the year so it made a bit more sense to be back for a longer period of time. I was, however, working remotely the whole time and to be completely honest, I wouldn't want to do that again. If you know me, you'd know how much I prefer being in the office so I reckon it is that more than anything else.

Hakim's Wedding

We went up to Penang the same week I arrived home. Wedding turned out well, I've grown fond of my new sister and I think she's a perfect fit to the family. My brother and I ran last minute wedding errands together but I didn't mind. We had a family dinner at a seafood restaurant with my mum's side of the family and I loved how happy she was. You can feel the contentness radiating from her and I loved it.

In between the wedding, I sacrificed my sleep to do a quick run to see Hannah (because I obviously had to?) and Hannah stayed up for me too.  #prioritisingus 

A few weeks later, it was the reception on our side and that went very well. Learning from Aisyah's wedding, this time around, I ate before the event and had time to eat during the event too because I didn't need to be responsible. We wrapped the event up with a quick stop at the coffee shop with just us kids to get some cakes and coffee. 

Kee Zhen's Wedding

We went to Sabah and it was hands down, the best wedding I've been too. Growing up, we always knew that we wanted to do life together but seeing us all there (in Sabah!) for Kee Zhen's big day sort of made me realise that we ARE doing life together. It was a moment. I love how Kee Zhen's found his right one and I can't wait to to celebrate more milestones with everyone. 

We attended the court wedding and it was very intimate - I loved it. I appreciate the family for having us there and letting us be part of a beautiful moment. Following that, there was the reception at Grand Hyatt. The food was lovely, everyone at the table was brilliant, we danced and we had so much fun... which then carried over to the Subang reception where we had quite the after party. They were just the best weddings - and have now become my new wedding benchmark. So if I ever get married and if ever I'm having a wedding, it will have a dance floor and we will all dance. I will also make my mum, my grandma and mak have a dance off.

Wedding aside, it was my first group trip with the lot where it wasn't a staycation and I had so much fun. I wish I was around more throughout uni so I could've join more trips. We talked... a lot, we ate... a lot but more than that, it was just good bonding time. We also realised how we'd happily swap Nick out for Alyssa. 


Nurul, Iman and I met up a few times - usually at Nurul's flat. Okay, was it a few times?? But they've managed to plan a whole penang trip out of it. I did not do any of the planning - which they need to forgive me for. But the trip was complete with all of us - Iman, Nurul, Ana and myself and it made me appreciate them so much because we were prioritising us! I don't think you'd typically realise how much you miss being together until you're actually together and that was how I felt.  

We went to Escape - there was so much queuing but we had a lot of fun - tried out the trap door water slide. PRETTY EPIC. We treated the food queue as if it was a club. Iman jumped off the diving platform... lady was hella brave. I personally, wouldn't go again but it was a good time spent with my favourites.

We watched the sunset at the beach by Starbucks.. Malaysia is beautiful. But what was more beautiful was when Iman carried out an exorcism at the beach - funniest thing in the world and I'm so glad we have it on video so we could replay it at her wedding. 

We were ripped off buying pasemboq but it was too good so we got over it pretty quickly. We spent the next day having food and walking around penang before going on a 'night out'... at China House! Went back to the hotel to celebrate Nurul's birthday but at that point, she was already dead. Best night we've had, it was too funny. 

The next day, we headed up to the habitat at Bukit Bendera. We bought the fast lane ticket which probably saved us an hour of queuing! I quite like the habitat, it was enjoyable but I felt like it was a bit expensive for what it was. We headed back afterwards and stopped in Taiping because someone was missing her husband (or her husband missed her?). Iman and I went to Taiping Lake Gardens where we cycled joined aunties dancing. LOVED IT! We had dinner at Taufiq's mum's house before heading back. Iman dropped me off at home for me to pick the car up and head straight into KL (at 2AM) in the morning.


Arriving at our aparthotel (?), I told the receptionist that Hannah had checked in and I'm meant to go to her room. Conveniently, Hanz didn't inform them so we were outside of the room door at 2AM... with a 'do not disturb' sign and the receptionist did not want to let me in. I had to ruin Hanz's sleep in the end and it wasn't my fault.

Taking it back a few weeks before the staycation, Hannah, Amir and I were planning on going white water rafting. Due to the recent landslide and rain, none of our parents allowed us to. We were gutted, obviously, so we decided to go to Melaka instead. Arriving in Melaka, we dropped by a kuih keria gula melaka stall in Batu Berendam and was just simply disappointed. Arriving in Malacca's town we faced the traffic of Jonker Walk for parking - thankful for wide side parking spaces.

First stop was Cendol Kampung Hulu - I would recommend it, I'd go again just to have more! It was a cendol bingsu to put it simply and whoever came up with that is brilliant. We then walked in the heat along the river and around Jonker Street. When we started to get hungry, we went to Restaurant Peranakan Place for nyonya laksa and pai tee. Personally, I prefer The Chicken Rice Shop's pai tee. 

We then walked around the A Famosa area (in the heat - was about to die NGL) before ending the trip with ice lollies they make on the spot in a metal container. Glad I finished mine off before seeing how the lady made them - she washed her hands in the same bucket of water she used to wash the container... Arriving in KL, we cancelled plans with Amir because we didn't want to drive out anymore and instead, ordered from Murni.

Started the next day with a swim in an empty pool facing the KL tower. We drove out to park and check in at Concorde before being ripped off at Pasta Panas. It was good, but I wouldn't pay that price for what I had. Could've had a proper plate of pasta instead of out of a takeaway box for the same price. 

We then went around KL (Central Market, Dataran Merdeka and KL Library) before heading to Bangsar to hang out with the rest of the gang. We wanted to see fireworks but didn't realise that all of the malls cancelled their fireworks show. We ended up at Hard Rock before I struggled to get back to the room because the hotel's lounge was playing some classic oldies. Next day, sent Hannah to KL Central for her train to the airport before getting lunch with Nadhirah at Sunway Putra Mall.

Got a niece!

My sister gave birth and that meant that there was a baby in the house! I didn't hold or touch her the first few weeks because she looked so fragile. When it seemed like she was holdable, I started helping my sister out and then suddenly, my sister and I started giving her baths every morning. I didn't mind - I have the baby as my phone's wallpaper so that might say quite a bit. I am quite fond my niece and she is bundle of joy (I now understand that saying!)

Every time they send photos of her I cry a little inside because she's growing up so fast!

Me: I miss her
Aisyah: Balik la Malaysia
Me: (Search up how to be an investment banker)
Aisyah: Or cari husband investment banker
Dad: This

Another KL Staycation

This time it was at Bukit Bintang and with Naimah! Naimah and I have the oddest friendship. I feel like I've known her forever but we knew each other in college and to be completely honest, we haven't spent that much time together. But I guess it's all about the quality not the quantity! So, we stayed at KLoe... whilst Naimah loved it, I didn't fancy it much because I was up awake half the night due to the poor acoustic treatment. 

We shared a pizza from Pizza Mansion, then shared ramen from Lot 10 before getting lost in Pavillion. Headed back to the hotel with some coffee and hung out in the lobby for a bit before going back to our room and getting a birthday brownie for Naimah delivered. Had a swim the next day whilst Naimah judged me for not wearing a swimming scarf before going out for some really good pastries from Blackbixon. We checked out late to let us feel a bit hungry for lunch and had burgers at Monroe downstairs.

Time well spent, I think we need to do it more often... specifically when she comes to visit me here HAHAHAHA. 


As it is, I can't go to Malaysia and not go to my grandma's so we had a one night trip to Muar for a wedding. Found it hilarious how my dad and uncle was picking on their cousin who is my age (I didn't realise she was my age!). Mum and I went out to Cafe 1988 to talk about life and mengumpat about everyone else in the family (jks - just wanted to create some family drama).


BEST LAST MINUTE TRIP EVER. So, Jaja, Q and I struggled like crazy to decide on where to go for our trip. We didn't have a lot of time and we were all occupied. But we prioritised us and drove up to Genting on Monday after work. Our dinner was snack from family mart and we ended the night with monopoly deal. 

In the morning though, I woke up early to see the sunrise and it was too beautiful. At one point, I felt a ghost staring at me so I ran off back into the room to wait for everyone to naturally wake up. We left the hotel at 1PM, had lunch and then headed down to the temple for a little walk, talk, climb and coffee. Had dinner down at the Premium Outlets where Jaja went shopping before driving across the road to do some more talking while stargazing. Much required trip.


Then it was time to head back to Maidenhead. I was excited, I felt like I spent a bit too long in Malaysia and I was ready to go back to my actual life. Everyone sent me to the airport despite it being so early in the morning, terharu kejap. 

Arriving in Maidenhead, Meriam and Don picked me up and prepared dinner! It felt like I just left family in Malaysia to come back to a family in Maidenhead. I was then hit with a week of jet lag, followed by 2 weeks of being ill. And now, here we are. 

Also - to the person that specifically mentioned that you read my blog and is planning on coming here, please could you drop me an email if you come across this. 


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